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Benefits of Hypoallergenic Dog Food | Dog Food Coupons

Benefits of Hypoallergenic Dog Food

All of you who are familiar with this blog know that here at Dog Food Coupons Free, we mainly discuss where to get dog food coupons. I write a few words about a certain brand of dog food and give you a link to a site where you can print out a free dog food coupon. Today we are going to discuss something a bit different. Today we are going to talk about hypoallergenic dog food. The reason for this change in topics is simple. As a dog owner you care about your pet and his or her health. Sure its nice to save yourself some money on dog food each month. Heck, using a $2 coupon each time you go shopping can really add up. On the other hand you want to make sure that your dog is getting the nutrition that they really need in order to live a long, happy and healthy life. If you are still a bit confused about why I am writing about hypoallergenic dog food, let me tell you how this type of healthy pet food came to my attention.

It all started with a conversation with my next door neighbor Mark. Mark owns to Labradors. Recently, about 2 years ago his dogs developed severe allergies. These allergies were terrible. The Labs stomachs were bright pink and irritated. They were constantly gnawing and scratching at their legs. It got to the point where the dogs were in quiet a bit of discomfort and pain. Mark had made a few trips to the vet due to this problem. At first they thought it might be seasonal allergies but the rash was just as bad in the winter as it was in the summer. Mark and his wife tried everything. They had all of their carpets steamed and cleaned. They changed their laundry detergents. They tried switching dog foods several times and nothing seemed to work. The vet suggested that they put the dogs on a regiment of human allergy medications but still no change. You can imagine how upset the couple was that their two dogs were in constant discomfort, that's when they read about hypoallergenic dog food. After only 1 week they began to see a significant change in the dogs. Within a month their pet's skin was back to normal and almost all of the hair had regrown, all of this was due to the use of hypoallergenic dog food. Last week I saw mark on the way to work and he was overjoyed. Once he told me the story I began to do a little research of my own. I came across quite a few interesting facts about hypoallergenic dog food and today I am going to share them with you.

For those of you who aren't sure exactly what hypoallergenic dog food is, here are a few facts that separate this type of dog food from some other traditional brands. Have you ever read the ingredients listed on the package of your favorite dog food brand. There isn't a brand name pet food that doesn't have more than a few ingredients that I know I wouldn't recognize. This is where you need to ask yourself a question. Is this something that I want to feed an animal that I consider a member of my family? Times are tough and perhaps your pet costs a bit more than you thought they would the first time you saw their cute little face. I know that I love saving money with dog food coupons but I also know that I love my dog. Although, my pet isn't showing any signs of an allergic reaction to their food, I have made the choice to switch brands and now I only feed my pets hypoallergenic dog food. This food isn't only good for dogs with an allergy to other foods, it is made from healthy ingredients that are perfect to help keep your pet healthy. Even though my dogs aren't showing any signs that their dog food was harming them in any way, hypoallergenic dog food has been proven to help prevent common health issues associated with many dog breeds. All in all, I believe that hypoallergenic dog food is the best thing that I can feed my pets. You can't argue with the label. Hypoallergenic dog foods only use all natural ingredients that I can understand.

Still not convinced these foods are a healthier choice for your pets? The FDA doesn't only protect humans from possible food and drug contaminants, they also protect animals. Take a look at the FDA's pet food recall site. You will see that even companies such as Alpo and Iams aren't completely immune to being recalled. Now, this is also true for some all natural dog foods and hypoallergenic dog foods. Although, many brands of health dog foods are made with a higher standard of quality. In fact there are many smaller dog food companies that produce all natural hypoallergenic dog food. There is a bit of a trade off of course, these smaller companies produce the healthiest foods but they will cost you substantially more money and there are no coupons available.

Let's get down to it. You come here because, obviously, you care about saving money. You look for sales and combine your coupons all in the name of saving money. As I said before, the smaller organic dog food companies will not provide sales or coupons, however, the more main stream hypoallergenic dog food companies will. This is a great way to keep your dog healthy and at the same time save yourself some money. You can't argue with the facts, hypoallergenic dog food is made of ingredients that are better for your dog. As dog owners, we want what is best for our pets. This is the best way to not only save money but provide healthy food for your pet.

So how much of a difference in price can you expect if you switch to a hypoallergenic dog food? I am not going to sugar coat this, you will need to spend about 150% the amount that you are currently spending, assuming that you use an average priced premium dog food. Something else to consider is, most hypoallergenic dog food companies will have much fewer coupons and will rarely have any sales. This hold more true with smaller organic dog food companies.

Should you switch to either an all natural, organic or hypoallergenic dog food? This choice is ultimately yours. All that I can do is provide you with a few facts to help you make your decision. In case you are considering making a switch, below I will give a few examples of some hypoallergenic dog foods to get you started.

Can you find coupons for these healthy dog foods? We are both about to find out. Over the next few weeks I will be searching high and low for coupons, discounts and deals on these types of pet foods. You can be sure that I will post the results of my search here at Dog Food Coupons Free. If all goes well I will have plenty of links to some juicy dog food coupons for you all. Now here are a few examples of some hypoallergenic dog foods.

Go! Natural
Go! Natural is a vegetarian hypoallergenic dog food. That's right this dog food is free of grains and meat products. You may think that feeding your dog a diet of mostly vegetables is a bit odd but human beings are carnivorous by nature and it is a well known fact that a vegetarian diet is healthier for us than one that consists of meats and dairy products.

Canidae organic dog food is hypoallergenic but unlike Do! Natural, does contain all natural meats. Whats so great about Canidae? Compared to many other organic dog foods, Canidae is much more affordable. How can you go wrong with a healthy dog food that is also reasonably priced?

Nature's Variety
Nature's Variety produces 3 different varieties, grain-free, poultry and instinct. All of these varieties come in either dry or wet consistency. Their Instinct Dog Food is full of Omega 3 fatty acids, which can help your dog produce a thick and healthy coat. Nature's Variety also produces a frozen hypoallergenic dog food that they refer to as BARF. That's right BARF, “bones and raw foods.

Pinnacle hypoallergenic dog food is not only completely allergen free but it also contains vitamins and minerals that can help to keep many other allergies away. This makes Pinnacle an amazing brand of dog food for dogs that suffer from allergies, especially for pets that are suffering from these types of problems.

Flint River Ranch
Flint River Ranch hypoallergenic dog food is made completely free of wheat, gluten and preservatives. This food is one of the best all natural dog foods that you can buy. What is the down side? Flint River Ranch dog food is a bit more expensive than some of the other organic dog foods on the market and you can only purchase it online. This means you will have to pay for shipping and handling.

These are just a few examples of some great hypoallergenic dog foods. If you do choose to switch your pet to a healthier, all natural diet, these companies are a great place to start. Remember to check back as I will be searching for deals and money saving coupons for hypoallergenic dog foods.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

umm go natural doesn't have a vegetarian formula, and canidae isn't organic...

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